By Lisabet Sarai
Our topic for the next fortnight here
at the Grip is “Take Me Away”:
could argue that most erotica is fantasy, but from paranormal to
alternate history to exclusive clubs and mansions for BDSM
practitioners, our genre seems to lend itself to fantasy worlds. Do
you like your erotica as close to reality as possible, or do you
figure that as long as you're giving the reader what they crave, you
might as well go all out?
who's read much of my work will recognize that it is strongly
(perhaps too strongly) grounded in the real world. Practically
everything I've ever written provides a strong sense of place.
Indeed, I suspect that I could list the settings of my tales more
accurately than the names of my characters. How many authors set
stories in Worcester, Massachusetts, or Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, or
Minneapolis, Minnesota, or a motel on the Interstate fifty miles from
Kansas City? I've got tales that unfold in Bangkok, Siem Reap,
London, Guatemala and Assam, too.
what I mean?
characters aren't generally fabulously wealthy, famous or powerful
either. I've written computer programmers and cops, doctors and grad
students, flight attendants, strippers and bar owners, but not a
single rock star or super model.
each story, I try to evoke environments and situations that feel
solid and familiar, or at least plausible. I want to lull my reader
into believing in my worlds and the individuals who populate them.
That way, when I step over the edge into erotic fantasy, I'll pull
them with me. They won't notice (I hope) that we're all at once in an
alternate reality where every desire can be fulfilled. I want them to
be ready to accept – no, devour – my sexual scenarios even when
they're of dubious possibility. Exhibitionist masturbation on a late
night subway train. Double penetration on a billiard table. Setting
oneself up as whore for a night in a rented window. A public spanking
on the stage of a western honky tonk. Sex on the moderator's desk at
an academic conference. Things are just so normal - right up until
the point that they become fantastic.
written a few swingers and BDSM clubs in my time. However, those
places do exist – I've even visited a few. Sure, I exaggerate a
bit. At the typical swing party, you're just as likely to find creeps
and bores as sexy, intuitive Dominants. However, I doubt that those
of you who have had similar personal experiences would have serious
issues with my portrayals of these environments.
the few historical stories I have attempted, I work hard to build a
sense of time and place, to generate a past as solid and believable
as the present. I'm no expert at this; however, the goal, for me, is
not much different from when I am writing a contemporary tale. Make
it feel real.
when I write paranormal fiction, the worlds I create closely mirror
the everyday. I prefer to insert only a few preternatural or occult
elements in an otherwise mundane setting, and I definitely stipulate
limits to my characters' powers. In my novel Necessary Madness,
Kyle has prescient visions, but he cannot control them, at least
initially, and they've driven him to the border of insanity. In
Serpent's Kiss, although Jorge is an incarnation of the god
Quetzlcoatl, he is neither invincible nor invulnerable.
I wonder whether my propensity for writing relatively realistic
erotica stems from a lack of imagination. As a reader, I adore
strange, intricate, well-crafted fantasy worlds. I know it takes
considerable skill to create one that's detailed and consistent
enough to satisfy me. For the most part, I haven't dared to try.
most recent novel, however, is a serious departure from my more
realistic focus. Rajasthani Moon, which will be
released in early June, could be politely described as “over the
top”. The book began as a sort of experiment. Fed up with the
slicing and dicing of erotic romance into a million subgenres, I
decided to write a book that combined as many genres as I could
manage. Rajasthani Moon is
steampunk-paranormal-BDSM-ménage-Bollywood-Rubenesque erotic
romance. There are also some kidnap fantasy and F/F elements thrown
in to the mix. Here's the blurb:
kink nor curse can stop a woman with a mission.

before birth by Amir's jealous mother, Pratan changes to a ravening
wolf whenever the moon is full. Cecily uncovers the counter-spell
that can reverse the effects of the former queen's hex and tries to
trade that information for her freedom. Drawn to the fierce wolf-man
and sympathising with his suffering, she volunteers to serve as the
sacrifice required by the ritual – offering her body to the beast.
In return, the Rajah reveal Rajasthan's amazing secret source of
energy. In the face of almost impossible odds, Cecily has
accomplished the task entrusted to her by the Empire. But can she
really bear to leave the virile half-brothers and their colourful
land behind and return to constraints of her life in England?
nothing at all realistic about Rajasthani Moon. It postulates
the existence of fabulously perverse devices such as robotic rope
that binds upon command and inexhaustible sources of energy to power
airships and sex machines. Cecily is a larger than life character (in
every sense) who raves against her captors even as she experiences
one climax after another at their hands. It doesn't matter who is
around or what is happening – Cecily Harrowsmith is almost
guaranteed to be aroused.
did enough research on Rajasthan to lace the tale with genuine
cultural references, but I also concocted some purely-imagined
ceremonies and performances, in line with the Bollywood theme. I made
up exotic foreign dishes and created a Taj Mahal-like palace by a
sacred lake. I even messed with geography, relocating the forbidding
Merangahr Fort (which I knew would be my primary setting as soon as I
set eyes on a photo) from Jodhpur to the Rajasthani capital city of
Moon is such a departure from my usual realistic style that I
worry about readers' reactions. In particular, I'm a bit concerned
that some people might object to the aspects of dubious consent that
run through the tale. I just hope they realize that the book is not
intended to be taken too seriously. In the real world, and in most of my fiction, I insist that
all sex, and all BDSM activities, be safe, sane and consensual. However, Cecily's Rajasthan is about as far from the real world as
you can get. It has a good deal in common with Edgar Rice Burroughs'
Mars or H. Rider Haggard's Africa, but with considerably more sex.
writing this novel, I took a step over the edge of plausibility, into
the realm of high fantasy. Whether I make it back remains to be seen.
Lisabet, i am currently reading & enjoying Quarantine, which seems perhaps to fall into the genre of speculative fiction, but is very grounded in reality & hot, hot, hot, i may add :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like your new novel is a pip. I'm with you on the reality aspect. Making fantasy (fiction) real is what writers do. Where it comes from in relation to our experience makes the difference.
Yo Amanda-
ReplyDeleteIs Quarantine the one they made a movie out of or is this something filthy you're reading?
Lisabet, you always evoke the places in your writing so well that I can absorb them in all of my senses as I read. It will be interesting to see if you do that with such an imaginative playground of a universe as well. But I can forgive a lot when the sex is hot! Grin.
ReplyDeleteHi Lisabet!
ReplyDeleteActually i always associate you with exotic places, both in fiction and in real life. And now you've touched on Steam Punk? I need to read that.
Daddy x...Quarantine is one of Lisabets novels.
ReplyDeleteHi, everyone!
ReplyDeleteAmanda - someone is actually reading one of my books?! Thank you!
Garce & Fiona - since I don't really have a brand, I guess my trademark is exotic or at least detailed settings. And the Rajasthan I've created does feel real, at least to me. Oh, and this is not the first steampunk I've written, Garce. I've published two steampunk shorts - one set in Hong Kong and the other in Bangkok... ;^)