I'm always happy to guest blog when the subject is giving. Whether it's giving time, giving cash, or giving head. Doesn't matter. Giving is sexy. Generosity is sexy. Helping others is sexy. Selflessness is sexy.
Seriously soak-the-panties sexy to me.
And who doesn't want to be sexy? Feeling sexy is energizing. It puts a bounce in the step and a twinkle in the eyes. It boosts self-confidence and makes the imagination soar. Plus, there's some major good karma involved. Do unto others, and all that jazz.
I could tell you that I pump huge amounts of blood, sweat, and tears into the charity anthology series Coming Together because I want to be sexy and, really, that's not terribly far from the truth.
If we are totally honest with ourselves, we recognize that our actions are ultimately driven by self interest, even altruistic endeavors. I do what I do—give what I give—because it makes me feel good about myself. It mitigates my shortcomings, keeps my karmic account in the black, and alleviates my guilt when I spend more than I should on things made of leather or stainless steel. Making others happy, relieving pain & suffering, seeing a smile, hearing a groan of ecstasy all fuel my sense of self-worth.
That logic applies to charity as well as erotic fiction. Combine the two, and it's a double-sexy-whammy. Coming Together not only makes a difference in the lives of people who are suffering in the face of disease or natural disaster through its charity fundraising but also gives its readers a pleasant diversion and makes them feel good about supporting a cause.
The authors and poets who contribute to Coming Together are the sexiest people on the planet. Bar none.
And what better time to be sexy? Look at the world around us. There is never a shortage of illness, poverty, or natural disaster, but there is often a shortage of compassion and generosity.
We can tip that balance. We can be the change. No matter how small, or how seemingly insignificant, our sexy efforts matter.
One drop raises the ocean.
Your 'Karmic account' should be well in the black, Alessia. You do so many things for so many other people. I'm proud to be a small part of Coming Together because it does great things and you manage it all so well.
ReplyDeleteMany blessings on you!
Hi Alessia!
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the sexiest people on the planet! Now its official! Can I put that on my resume?
Giving wanna-bes a chance to step out is sexy and generous too. We're all grateful to you.
So from all the apprentice wanna-be writers you give a chance to - thank you!
Thanks, y'all. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, Garce, you may add that to your resume and list me as a reference.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for being our guest poster this week. : )
Fantastic post, and as always, keep up the good work with Coming Together.
Hi, Alessia,
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for joining us here at the Grip!
I never thought of charity as sexy. On the other hand, I've just been doing the second round of editing on Remittance Girl's Coming Together collection, and that definitely got me going!
What I like about the Coming Together effort is that I'm doing something that maybe not everyone can do--using my individual talents and skills to do good. I can't build houses for Habitat for Humanity--my arthritis is too bad. I could volunteer at a homeless shelter, but I'd be just a body. In writing and editing altruistic erotica, I'm filling a niche that not everyone can fill.
I don't intend that in an egotistical way. What I mean is that my writing is a very personal part of me. Giving it away to support causes I believe it is a personal gift, beyond money or blind labor.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of charity being sexy. Great post and a wonderful outlook.