Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How Much Should I Share?

By Morticia Knight

Hey all, I’m a newbie here at Oh Get a Grip, but very excited that I was invited to participate by the lovely Lisabet Sarai. I’m going to introduce myself by way of this post, since this month’s topic ties in perfectly with sharing ourselves with our readers.

Almost every author goes through the struggle in the beginning of their public career where they need to decide how much of their lives they want to share. I’ve heard so many talks on this subject in various author groups where those who are about to dip their toes into publishing want to know whether they should use a pen name or real name, whether they should use a real photo or buy a logo, do they disclose what town they live in or remain vague. Even seemingly innocuous things like posting pics of pets or their fabulously decorated Christmas tree should be taken into consideration when interacting on the Internet. How much should we share and how much do readers expect us to share?

The answer is unique to every person and sometimes complex. We live in a world now where a Google search can uncover surprisingly personal details we may not want disclosed. I’m not even referring to scandalous or criminal events, but perhaps who our children are, where they go to school, where we work at our day jobs and so on. Maybe we don’t care if details about ourselves are exposed, but what about our friends and families? They didn’t sign up for this ride, so perhaps they’d rather not be included. This is particularly true if the subject matter of our fiction isn’t mainstream.

Since I write LGBTQ erotic romance, not everyone wants to be associated with me. Not everyone knows I’m bisexual, even though I don’t hide it and I’ve publicly appeared on panels discussing bi-erasure and bisexual representation in fiction. However, I use a pen name for many reasons, which I’ll get to in a moment. But first, I want to discuss what happened when I first began my public writing journey. I discovered not everyone wanted others to know they were friends with or interacted with me.

I began a Facebook page under my real name back in the day when it was first a thing. Of course, I invited my real-life friends to add me and several requested me as well. When I announced I’d be publishing, I didn’t disclose exactly what type of fiction it would be at first. Then my daughters announced on their pages what I was writing and tagged me. That’s when the backlash began. I had already invited people to friend request me on my pen name profile, because honestly, I rarely looked at my personal one anymore since I simply didn’t have the time. I then received a message from a long-time friend who holds very liberal views, isn’t religious and used to worked in the entertainment industry as an actress.

My friend told me she was sorry, but she was in the process of interviewing for a new job and couldn’t take the chance that potential employers would do a search and find out we were friends. Wow. That hurt. At the same time. I understood her fears. I was still working a day job at the time and wasn’t sure how what I did when not at the job would be taken, so I kept my pen name a closely guarded secret When an inter-office memo made light of an LGBTQ issue however, it was like a bag of rocks landed in my stomach. I sat on it for a day, thought it over, then had to contact corporate with a rather lengthy memo outlining why out of the over four thousand employees who had been sent the memo, there were bound to be at least a few who were on the spectrum and could be hurt by it.

Turned out the Vice President of Corporate was out and proud. He also had no idea about the memo, as it was handled at a lower level of the corporate tier. That was an eye-opener. I still didn’t over-share at my job regarding my pen name, because regardless of LGBTQ issues, the erotic content wasn’t something everyone would be comfortable with. In that environment, being one hundred percent open about this other life I led outside the workplace wouldn’t have been appropriate.

Then, I quit my job to write full time.

It was then that I decided to use my real photo and no longer hide what it is I do for a living. The only area where I remain vague has to do with my family. I don’t share my family member’s names, although they sometimes show up of their own accord because they tag me and are proud of what I do. All three of my daughters have come out publicly as bisexual, so for them, it’s a non-issue. My oldest daughter is also an author (although she writes diverse fantasy fic) and editor who has edited several of my books, so I’ve been more fortunate than many authors in terms of understanding and living a transparent life!

Thanks for reading and I’m thrilled to be a part of this great group of authers at Oh Get a Grip. As a reader, what are your expectations from your fave authors? Do you care what goes on behind the curtain, or do you prefer the mystery?

Although this is in the About Us section, here is my official introduction if you want to peek behind the curtain 😊

 Author Bio: Author Morticia Knight spends most of her nights writing about men loving men forever after. If there happens to be some friendly bondage or floggings involved, she doesn’t begrudge her characters whatever their filthy little hearts desire. Even though she’s been crafting her naughty tales for more years than she’d like to share—her adventures as a published author began in 2011. Since then, she’s been fortunate enough to have several books on bestseller lists along with titles receiving recognition in the Rainbow Book Awards, Divine Magazine and Love Romance Café.

Once upon a time she was the lead singer in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. She currently resides on the North Oregon coast and when she’s not fantasizing about hot men, she takes walks along the ocean and annoys the local Karaoke bar patrons.

Morticia’s Social links:
Amazon Author Page:


  1. Welcome to the group, Morticia. This is a great bunch of people here. I enjoyed your post and compared your workplace experiences to my own, which I posted on 1.24. I find it amusing that many people will denounce erotic romance and those of us who write it, but they're probably hiding a book or two on their Kindle. After all, someone's buying it, right?

    1. Thanks Tim! Right? If the sheer numbers are any indicator, they certainly are!

  2. Hi, Morticia. I must admit I'm curious about your band, because I moved from indie pop to erotica myself, once upon a time. (:v>

    1. That's awesome! We were alt rock, rather quirky lol It was a great experience, and one I was able to use in a novel.

  3. Welcome, Morticia! I known just what you mean in terms of how much to reveal, although I had it somewhat easier because I live in a very tolerant area of the country (western MA) and owned my own retail business for many years until I sold it and retired. But even here, the local community of writers gets a bit squicked out at the idea of erotica.

    1. Thank you Sacchi! It's an ongoing challenge, isn't it?

  4. Welcome to the Grip, Morticia! I'm so glad you decided to join us.

    It may be that authors who live in the US actually have a more difficult time with this issue. Since speech is protected and attitudes are arguably more liberal than in the traditional, conservative culture I'm part of, you have a whole range of options. Unfortunately once you let something out of the bag, you can't put it back in.

    I was also intrigued by your use of the term "bi-erasure". I've never encountered that before. Can you elaborate? I've always been bisexual, and never thought much about it -- it just seems natural to me.

    1. "Bi-erasure" is used a lot these days. I think it's mostly a term bisexual people use when other people on the spectrum claim that bis don't really exist, or don't belong on the LG(B)T list, or just can't make up their minds which side of the road to park on, and should be ignored. There may be an element of "Bisexuals can pass as ordinary, so they don't get the oppression gays and lesbians do. They're just in it for the fun parts." Ah, political divides, even in matters of gender.

    2. Hi Lisabet, Sorry I didn't see this sooner! Yes, what Sacchi said. It can be very disheartening for both men and women when they're told or treated as if they're faking something ala 'you're really gay, you just aren't ready to admit it yet' and dismissing bisexuality as not being valid.

  5. Welcome, Morticia! Love your pen name.


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