Ǥilakas'la Welcome!
I thought that seeing as Jamie came up with a little of the Hawaiian language and shared it with you all, I'd do the same, but with the Kwak'wala language. This is the language of the native people in the area where I live. No, I'm not native, but I do have native friends and I have done some research into the language for a novella I wrote some time ago. Unfortunately, the publisher who took it went under before it was published and I've yet to find a good home for it—and, how appropriate, the title of the story is 'Finding Home'.
I think I'd best tell you a little about myself and what brought me here. I've been writing forever, like so many other authors. When I was very young, I remember writing little plays and forcing all my friends to help put them on. Parents must have cringed when they got the invitations. Mermaids, sea pirates, cowboys and there was always some romance in there, which the boys detested, or course. LOL Later on, I wrote poetry, badly, but at least I didn't force it upon anyone. And still later, I wrote erotica, which I thought was the most perverted stuff in the world and hid from everyone. Who knew it was something people wanted to read?
I came online in the late '90s and had my first novella published by the tiny e-publishing house of Amatory Ink in 1999, I believe. The owner called it quits a couple of years later and my work was released back to me. It's taken me ten years to get where I am today, and it's been one hell of an interesting journey.
You'll find bits of my work all over, some are pretty good, others, I'm not so sure about. LOL I think the very first submission is still online, a place called 'The Bare Mistress' website. I can't honestly remember the work, but it was BDSM oriented and probably badly written. That was kwisa'yanxt a and years ago. If you ever find it, let me know, I'd love to see it.
I've met some xanyasa, amazing, people online. People I'd have no hope of actually physically meeting. Most importantly, for me, I've been able to meet writers and readers who want to get their hands on the books I've written. That is such an incredible thing. To actually talk to people who understand the frustrations and joys of this lonely craft, without my having to go into detailed description, and still have them look at me as if I'm an alien. And the readers, they are such a blessing. Meeting them, getting to know some of them, you, is a dream come true. I was completely shocked when a reader got all gah gah about talking to me. I mean, I'm just a woman sitting in a little room with a computer staring at her. It's a nice computer, but it's not as nice as some. Don't ever be afraid to say hi, I'd truly love to hear from you.
Let's see, what else might you be interested in? If you'd like to check out some of my writing, I'm currently published with Phaze and Total E Bound, as well as several smaller e-zines and an audio site that's just getting its feet under itself called, A Woman's Goodnight. I often tell people to Google me; you'll find all kinds of stuff about me and what's going on in my writing life. Oh, I've got a website I'm pretty pleased with and if I had to do THAT again, I'd do only one thing differently. I'd name it after myself, instead of how it feels to me. You'll find oodles to do there. Free reads, puzzles and wallpaper for your computer and much, much more.
'm'mu'lakwala, thank you, for joining me and I hope you drop in often to see what we're gabbing about. Each week we'll have a different topic and hopefully some interesting chatter. And don't forget our contest! Every time you leave a comment this week, you're entered to win a $30 Amazon gift certificate!
Good luck and ǥila's a̱'eda̱'aḵax̱, come back, soon.
Hi, Jude,
ReplyDeleteI do feel as though I've known you forever. I'm so excited that we'll be doing the Grip together.
Every time I turn around, you have a new title. I can't keep up with you.
Ǥilakas'la, Jude! Lovely picture and great blog post. I've only known you about three years, but it feels like...about three years. *G*
ReplyDeleteYou're a great friend and I feel fortunate to be your writing partner!
Now go write something!
How great to take the native language and add it to your stories. that must be great!
ReplyDeleteLove getting to know all of you better!
Hahaha...I was also one of those kids who insisted on putting on plays every week! Glad to know I wasn't alone:)
ReplyDeleteJust stopping by to check things out
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful good morning sign. I don't blog very much, don't really know what I'm doing, but this group might just see me more often.
ReplyDeleteGood morning. I love the Good morning sign!
Well, it looks like Jamie has set a trend with her Hawaiin greeting (spelling?) and you followed on with some first nation words which I simply can't get my tongue around, so I thought I might as well come in with a bit of Yorkshire. "Howdo Kiddo!" Its great to see my pal of a good few years now moving into yet another writing area. It goes without saying that I wish you well Jude, as I'm sure you know. Like someone else noted, I don't know how you manage to write so much and so well, but you'd better keep it up buddy - we're addicted ! LOL
ReplyDeleteEye catching Good Morning there Jude! Just beautiful. Good luck with the blogging and get back to writing I need more to do!
ReplyDeleteHi. I found you through the Dark Moon list. Looking forward to reading your work.
ReplyDeleteYes, we've known each other for ages. ERWA was, and is, an awesome place to learn this craft and meet some wonderful people. I still visit as often as I can, but don't post much at all. I just feel like I'm one of the shirt tail relatives sitting in the corner.
New titles coming out is a good thing. *G*
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hi Jamie,
ReplyDelete3 years huh? It sometimes seems much longer. You know, those times when I want to strangle you... Joking! Honest!
I don't think either of us will forget how we started our writing partnership. Both of us concerned we'd step on each others toes or get angry. Friendship is such a precious thing and ours has definitely grown. I'm really glad you're coming to visit. I'm not sure hubby is ready for it, but he'll survive. LOL
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the research I did on the native culture here. The language was a huge bonus. Listening to it was even cooler. I can't even make some of the sounds. LOL
Thanks so much for dropping by. Come back and see us. New posts every day and lots of interesting topics coming up.
Hey Molly!
ReplyDeleteDid you drag all the parents out for the big show? We did. I swear they cringed when they saw us coming for them. LOL
Glad I'm not the only one too.
Hope to see you again!
Hi Jude, I really like that you're putting together a story and culture to learn. That is so cool!!! Love the Good Morning picture that is posted.
ReplyDeleteBeth, Debbie, Tam,
ReplyDeleteWelcome and glad you popped in. That Good Morning message was sent to me a few years ago and I adore it. Purple is my fav color.
Debbie, I'm not much of a blogger either, but it seems I will be now. LOL I never know what to say. I lead a pretty dull life. It's my characters who have all the fun. LOL
Have an awesome day ladies, and thank you so much for stopping by to say hi. Come again and visit when you can.
Verb....Uh, Mog, Thanks so much for dropping in. You always make me smile. Hmmm and that's it for Yorkshirism. I was thinking you'd have some wacky slang to say... LOL
ReplyDeleteHave an awesome day, my friend.
ReplyDeleteWriting, honest. Gulp. Hell of a note when you're editor chases after you, ain't it? LOL Great to see you and I hope you'll drop by again.
ReplyDeleteOy! I had to check that spelling. *G* Glad you dropped in and I hope you'll come by again. We're all looking forward to getting to know you guys.
Hi Jude. I keep up with your releases (Jamie's too) through your Yahoo group although I've never posted there. Only authors seem to post. Love the jokes. Your group has introduced me to many other authors as well. This seems as though it's going to be a fun and interesting blog.
Hi Donna,
ReplyDeleteWe wish more readers would post to our loops! Please feel free to chime in any time you feel like it. Sometimes they get kind of silly. (Imagine that?) LOL
We're happy to hear that you keep up on our new releases, though. We lurve that!!!
(not officially speaking for Jude but I do this a lot. I especially like volunteering her for stuff!!) hee hee hee
*Tapping Jamie on the shoulder, while goosing her* Ahem, move it chickie!
ReplyDeleteHi Donna. Like Jamie said, we would truly love it if readers would say more. My yahoo group is specifically for interaction. Yes, I admit it's mostly yappy authors who post now, but I truly wish it wasn't so. Mog, he posts jokes mostly, and he's a great friend, but not an author.
I'm so glad you posted here. It's lovely to meet you and I do hope you'll gird your loins, which I have no idea what that entails, and dive in. We'd love to hear from you. I know I would.
Have an awesome day!
Hi Shadowgoddess,
ReplyDeleteI've done a couple of stories/books where I had to do some major research and really enjoyed it. The Kwak'wala language was extremely difficult to pronounce, but I loved learning the little bit I did. There's not much of the language left now, and that's such a huge shame. I hope it's not one of those that's lost because it's not used.
Glad you like my greeting picture... me too! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hi Jude,
ReplyDeleteI think I may have found your story. Is it called A Blindfolded Slave by Jude? Here is the link : http://www.baremistress.com/Blind.htm
I don't know if this is yours but I figured I'd let you know.
LOL Yes, that's the one. Uh, thanks, I think.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you interested, Mog has also found this link and wants me to post it in my newsie group. I've cringed and whined, but he's determined. I finally caved and said, if 6 people posted, asking me to do it, I would.
So, you're choice. Head off to the Bare Mistress' site or 'urge' me to post it for the group. I'll try not to wimp too much. My editor would cry... LOL
Do I count? I's a people, last I checked.
ReplyDeletePretty please?
I have always wanted to go to Hawaii, at least now I can speak some! Great blog today!
ReplyDeleteJamie, Uh, I might need confirmation there. LOL Go check out my newsletter and see what Mog has there. It's all his doing. I may have to get Mrs Mogger to beat him.
ReplyDeletelastnerve, glad you joined us and at the moment, Hawaii sounds like a plan. It's sooo cold here.
LOL:) We took our show on the road, up and down the neighborhood! One of boys was our 'manager' and he's the one who suggested which doors to knock on! I think he even tried charging admission, but no one ever paid.
ReplyDeleteOur play that year? Rapunzel. I played the witch...and comic relief!
Oh, you were the traveling type show. Like gypsies! That's so cool. We had one of our fathers actually build us a little stage. It was more like a chunk of plywood over a rough frame, but it was wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI don't recall us ever trying to charge admission. Maybe we knew it'd be pushing a lil too much. We did urge mom's to bake cookies for the intermission. Yup, we had one of those. I'm not sure we knew what it meant, but we loved the cookies. LOL
Oh, vague memories here. I remember playing a mermaid once. Also I was a cowboy... we only had one boy who'd be in our plays. Comic relief, I think that was all of us. LOL
Thanks for coming by, Molly, this has been great fun.
I google pretty much everything! So I’ll take you up on that and google you too!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you I will come back soon.
Hi Jude! Great post!
ReplyDeleteI love the native words you put in your blog.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your grand re-opening. Looks like its going to be a very fun place to be and I look forward to joining in with all of you.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much. Oh Google me... I had the urge to say, 'Google me baby.'...LOL Drop by often and I'm sure you'll get a chuckle.
Amy - Chris,
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for dropping in. I didn't get a chance to reply last night, but wanted to reply today. This blog is hopefully going to be a place where we can all get to know more about each other. Not just us authors spouting off about ourselves. It's going to be fun, so please come often and raz us. We love it!
ReplyDeleteYou made it...YAY! Thanks for coming and posting. This blog is going to be great fun. A little bit of wickedness every day... whoo hoo!!
Hey Jude,
ReplyDeleteYeah, well, I didn't actually mean it like that... Just wanted to say I've been a fan of yours since way back in the old ERWA days. We seem to have similar sensibilities, at least where sex is concerned, so I've always enjoyed reading your stuff.
Best of luck with the blog everyone (I've always liked the "Get a Grip" Aerosmith CD, with all the guys' nipples adorning it and I suppose I can't help thinking of it when I see your blog title).
Welcome, Jude!
ReplyDeleteI've read several of your stories and LOVED them! I'm looking forward to reading more.
God Bless,
Rhonda :-)
Sorry it took me all week to get here, but I'm here now. Love your stories. I'm so glad you got the gumption to share them with us.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your stories and I like the way you write your characters into loving, caring individuals, I've told you before, my only complaint about your stories is they are toooooooo short. I want more.