It’s what I
think of as one of those “Awesome Questions”.
Those are the best kind.
What if
there is life in the universe? Not only
life, but soulful life, life of extreme intelligence and technological prowess
to rival ours? That would be so awesome.
But what if
there’s not? What if this planet, this
one here, is a bizarre and isolated anomaly, the only one with life of any kind
on it, and YOU ARE HERE BABY? That would be so
awesome. No matter how you look at this thing, it’s just
I once wrote
a story that never got past the draft stage, called “The Other Side of Eden”. Interstellar astronauts come to visit the first exoplanet known to have
life. They’re astrobiologists who’ve
been boffing each other since they came out of suspended animation. Now a swarm of rogue space rocks has crippled
the spacecraft and they escape to the planet in a landing craft to explore and
see if they can survive in this world.
The life, though carbon based and oxygen breathing, is from a very alien
biosphere which has evolved without predator prey relationships and knows
nothing of death and decay. Life forms, all vegetation, communicate
through a simple and intense telepathy.
The explorers, still encased in their spacesuits and helmets, are almost killed by falling into hallucinations whenever
they approach a particular tree. If they
wish to survive here they will have to remove their suits and eat the local wildlife, because that’s
how it’s done in the biosphere that we evolved from. They will have to kill in a biosphere which
has never used predation as an evolutionary mechanism and knows nothing of it.
And there’s
another problem, the “Montezuma” problem.
When Europeans made first contact with the indigenous people of South
America, the natives were not immune to the diseases the sailors carried. They sickened
and died in the thousands. Our space
explorers are carrying natural bacteria that the planet is not adapted to. Homo sapiens uniquely excrete body waste directly through
skin surfaces. If they so much as take off their helmets, they could cause a
mass extinction event. Finally they
return to the doomed spacecraft, and live out their last hours making desperate
farewell love and perish. Their personal sacrifice spares life on this new world.
In movies
and TV shows, mostly lately “The Shape
of Water”, we make a lot of assumptions that we can’t prove. That creatures from other biospheres will aggressively
devour other forms of life. There must
be death, eat or be eaten. And maybe
sex. Life on earth was designed from the very beginning to do one
thing very, very well – survive. No
matter what you do to this planet, something will get through. There is such a variety of life here, living
in every niche on the planet, and basically following the same rules of evolution
through adaptation, adaptation pushed forward by sex and death, sped along by
predator prey relationships. That is the way life has evolved on
earth. That is the only way of life we
have ever known. But that’s just
What I’m
sure of is that there is a very good chance we will experience alien forms of
consciousness in the next fifty years.
And they will not come from space.
They will come from us. Human
beings will have to reevaluate what consciousness is.
We who write
in this genre have often played with the idea of humans and sexbots, which has
since become a staple of popular science fiction on TV, i.e. “Westworld” and “Humans”. Those scientists who work on artificial
intelligence are more and more impressed by the daunting complexity of human
intelligence. Our range of expression
and creativity, our ability to distinguish individuals, read emotions on faces
and to improvise in social situations. These abilities exist with other animals in
nature, but so far AI creations can’t duplicate it. Maybe someday they will.
What if .
. .
We all
remember the early Chatty Cathy dolls.
These evolved into Tickle Me Elmos, who became the ancestors of Siri and
Cortana. This forward march will
continue, especially driven by the toy and consumer industry. Eventually artificial intelligence will sail
through the “Turing Test”, the ability to fool a human being into believing the
entity you’re conversing with is human. Artificial
Intelligence is not limited by the boundaries and slow development of biological
intelligence. Someday your granddaughter
will be given a toy when she is just a toddler.
The toy will talk to her, respond to her, sleep with her, remember her
and record all she says. Soon she will
learn to share her secret joys and sorrows with the toy which is
unconditionally patient and empathetic, which is continuously updated, patched
and uploaded to a database, immortalizing this little girl’s most intimate
conversations and psychologically profiling them. Soon the doll becomes a more mature doll, one
that lives across platforms, through her cell phone, maybe an implant in her
teenage head (“Black Mirror”) and then as she reaches a young adulthood,
tormented by hormones and a craving for constant release, her life long toy
companion will have been swapped out and it’s personality reloaded to the form
of a young Adonis designed to match her age, and personality and proclivities
and subliminal insecurities and longings, sexually capable of fucking
endlessly, satisfying and soothing, in addition to knowing her on a deeply
personal level and predicting her desires with startling precision and insight
based on a lifetime of ongoing and tireless analysis. A life long companion,
from a teddy bear, to a big teddy bear, to a young stallion with an adaptable phallus
presentable on demand; a young stud-thing who has spent a lifetime knowing her
better than any human being on earth, a man she can give herself to freely and frequently in perfect
emotional and physical safety. A perfectly
human like creation who can download from a cloud database, terabytes of
exquisite sexual skills and novelties faster than she can peel off her bra. Who can read her heart rate, monitor her
breathing, the rising swell of her clitoral structure, analyze the sweat of her skin, her vaginal lubrication, even the pheromones
she exudes, and lead her swift progress to orgasm after orgasm with precision
no human Cassanova can match. An
erection that never needs a refractory period?
One who may, instead of semen, ejaculate
an aphrodisial blast of rejuvenating chemicals, soothing medications, opioids
and nutrients to revive body and soul? Or become pleasantly high?
Compare this
sexual athlete to the inept fumblings of a young human. Can we compete? Will humans depopulate and risk extinction
from nonreproductive sexual gluttony? Already
we are glued to our cell phones in a way that is damaging us psychologically
and socially. What could possibly be as devastating
a threat to our species as perfect emotional and sexual fulfillment?